Friday, October 27, 2017 has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Hypnosis Toronto centers

Curo. net is recognized as one of the top ten Hypnosis Toronto wellness centers for betterment via hypnotherapy. General Hypnosis, Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Toronto, Reiki Hypnosis Toronto and many other methods available.Hypnosis Toronto

The Doorway Self study on line course

Wouldn’t it be great to really know that there is a benevolent power that knows your best interests at all times and in all situations? And that this power is guiding you every moment? If you are new to A Course in Miracles or have been on this path a while and do not feel a deep relationship with this inner Guide then this course will help you get in touch with that awareness.
 a course in miracles course
All aspects of this Doorway support getting in touch with and discerning the difference between the voice of the ego and the voice for the Spirit. It is helpful course for letting go of investing your mind energy in the illusionary world and instead using everything for a deeper, more fulfilling experience of who you truly are.

Love Makes No Exceptions

Conference Title: Love Makes No Exceptions
Dates: February 23–25, 2018. When signing up for the conference, please be sure to nominate David Hoffmeister in the sign-up form. Choose him from the drop-down menu, or write “I nominate David Hoffmeister” in the “Optional Message” text box. This will increase the likelihood of David having a place on the main stage from which to bless everyone with his love and light! Sign up now!
Venue: The Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, 1500 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94109, USA. For hotel details and activities on the days surrounding the conference, click here.
Theme: “Love is incapable of any exceptions. … Fear does not gladden. Healing does. Fear always makes exceptions. Healing never does.” T-7.V.5-6 a course in miracles conference
The Community Miracles Center (CMC) hosts one of the largest A Course in Miracles (ACIM) events in the world. The conference brings teachers and students of ACIM together to share and celebrate their love of God. As always, an incredible lineup of today’s most acclaimed ACIM speakers will offer unique presentations and workshops to 500+ attendees. The weekend also includes four all-you-can-eat buffets, a Saturday night dance party with the Unauthorized Rolling Stones, and a Sunday finale celebration. Accommodations and tourist activities are extra.
By popular demand, David Hoffmeister will present once more at the 2018 ACIM Conference in San Francisco. Come and experience the way Spirit speaks through David to address the deepest calling of your heart—to wake up!
CMC Basic Info Link
CMC Register Yourself
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About Amazon Follow A course in miracle

Mystic David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. He is known for his practical application of the non-dual teachings necessary to experience the Unified Mind. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is unsurpassed. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source. Over the past 31 years, David has traveled to 44 countries across 6 continents to extend the message that Truth is available for everyone, now. A Course in Miracle

David's message speaks to all people, regardless of whether their background is religious, spiritual, or scientific. He is as comfortable delving into the metaphysics of the movie "The Matrix" as he is in pointing to the underlying meaning of the scriptures in the Bible.

David's own journey involved the study of many pathways, culminating in a deeply committed practical application of "A Course in Miracles" of which he is a renowned teacher. His teachings have been translated into 13 languages and taken into the hearts and minds of millions through the intimate style of his books, audios, and videos.

The mystical experience is one of clarity, great joy, deep peace, and tranquility--it ends the world of duality and conflict forever. The experience is not of this world but radiates from within. It is not a concept; it comes into awareness when all concepts have been laid by.
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Local Unwind Your Mind Study Groups #

Mystic and world renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister is coming to Sao Paulo, Brazil for a weekend retreat! This is a rare treat to be in the presence of one who is a living demonstration that peace is possible, and learn how to practically apply the Course to everyday situations. David’s presence is gentle and joyful, and his non-compromising teachings are a gift to all.
During the weekend, enjoy lively teaching sessions with David, movie watching for awakening and healing and have the opportunity to make intimate connections with others devoted to practicing A Course in Miracles.
If you are not able to attend in person, some of the retreat will be available online “virtually”, where you can enjoy the teachings in real-time. All the teachings will be provided with Portuguese translations.
WHEN:Friday, December 1, 2017 - 7pm to Sunday, December 3, 2017 - 12pm
WHERE:In Person at Espaco Natividade, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Online via Zoom. You will be given the link when you have purchased your ticket.
REGISTER:If you live in Brazil and wish to register for either the online or in-person event please click here.

If you live outside of Brazil and wish to register for the online event please click here

Phone: Roberto - +5511994180821

Local Unwind Your Mind Study Groups #

Mystic and world renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister is coming to Sao Paulo, Brazil for a weekend retreat! This is a rare treat to be in the presence of one who is a living demonstration that peace is possible, and learn how to practically apply the Course to everyday situations. David’s presence is gentle and joyful, and his non-compromising teachings are a gift to all.
During the weekend, enjoy lively teaching sessions with David, movie watching for awakening and healing and have the opportunity to make intimate connections with others devoted to practicing A Course in Miracles.
If you are not able to attend in person, some of the retreat will be available online “virtually”, where you can enjoy the teachings in real-time. All the teachings will be provided with Portuguese translations.
WHEN:Friday, December 1, 2017 - 7pm to Sunday, December 3, 2017 - 12pm
WHERE:In Person at Espaco Natividade, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Online via Zoom. You will be given the link when you have purchased your ticket.
REGISTER:If you live in Brazil and wish to register for either the online or in-person event please click here.

If you live outside of Brazil and wish to register for the online event please click here

Phone: Roberto - +5511994180821

Awakening Mind path to mysticism, a mystical path #

Awakening Mind path to mysticism, a mystical path - Well, now you have been through the Introduction Experience and the great movie clips that help clarify the purpose of the Mystical Mind Training program. Normally this program has an introduction to every theme-based topic so as to give the mind an idea of what is coming. Then the "meat" of the course delivers the lesson, and the conclusion leads you into how the lesson relates with the next topic to be learned. If the material is very intense then there will often be a funny movie clip to help lighten the material. There is a plan that unfolds through this program. It is designed so that you will be able to learn the ideas, apply them, and then teach them. Thus, discernment is achieved.MMT is your program. It will be available to you to use with others that join later on. You can help walk others through any areas of confusion or just be a support when the light "clicks on." The idea is that this will help facilitate a chain of trust to support the rapid undoing of the ego.  a course in miracles
"Miracles are selective only in the sense that they are directed
towards those who can use them for themselves.
Since this makes it inevitable that they will extend them
to others, a strong chain of Atonement is welded." T-1.III.9
The Mystical Mind Training program is not an abstract course without practical methods for the attainment of its goal. The goal is abstraction, yet its attainment happens through the specific. We must learn to trust our brother and this comes through much teaching and learning. There will be countless opportunities to practice and this program is simply designed to save time and facilitate development of that trust.
This program is another aspect of what David Hoffmeister and the Living Miracles ministry offers. There are countless other resources that you can use for awakening to truth; to the Love of God. This particular endeavor is a more structured conglomeration of many saved and new materials, chosen to lead the mind through the undoing process.
It is to some extent like living with the Messengers of Peace. You can take it as deep as you want to and the ideas cannot be over-learned. In fact this world has been over-learned so it will take a lot of vigilance to undo its thought patterns. Therefore, although there will be many new materials and audio visual aids, it all reiterates the same lesson over and over again:
You are not here in this world,
nor are you a body in this world.
You are eternally free as the Son of God.
Now let us begin to practice one form of the Universal Curriculum called the Path of the Awakening Mind to Mysticism.

Wake Up with the Movies! #

Powerful tools to process emotions during a movie!
MWGE has mind tools that walk you through the healing process while you are watching a movie and experiencing uncomfortable and intense emotions. The site includes online worksheets you can download and fill out again and again as unconscious beliefs are uncovered and released. There are also diagrams and videos that support you through the process of undoing upsetting thoughts and emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger and sadness. best spiritual movies
 "I absolutely love MWGE! The movies, reviews and commentaries have helped open, soften and expand my awareness in such a fun and deep way." ~ Gabriela

* David Hoffmeister—Living Miracles Center

The Mind at Peace Is Healed
You are created as pure divine love by God. Then you had this crazy thought, “Could there be more than everything?”
When prayer or desire becomes split, purity is lost. From that prayer all the rest spreads out. The belief becomes the ego and the thought becomes attack and the emotion becomes fear and the perception becomes the entire cosmos. It all springs from the desire for more than everything.
healing tool
When you are asleep in the dream, you believe in the specifics that you perceive. You react to what is happening to you based on the emotions you feel. You think that the cause of how you feel is at the level of perception. So this is where the journey back must start. You need to understand what is underneath the level of perception. There are levels or layers in the mind determining what you are experiencing in day to day life. The levels come from beliefs that have been conditioned and reinforced in the mind over time. All of the “surface issues,” which are form problems, were made to distract the mind from looking within at the beliefs. They also demonstrate how we come to perceive what we perceive and what is underneath our experiences in daily life.
 The ego never wants you to learn this.
 The ego wants you to think that cause is at the level of perception. The ego would have you think that the past causes the future. In truth, the cause is in the center and the effect is on the outside. Your desire influences your belief. And your beliefs control your thoughts. Your thoughts control your emotions and your emotions control your perceptions.

# Welcome to Living Miracles Austeralia

Welcome to Living Miracles
Inspired by the teachings of A Course in Miracles, we are dedicated to inner peace and awakening. We desire to know God, to experience His love, His peace, and His will for us consistently, and we know that joining together in our shared purpose is the most joyful way to invite Him into our awareness.
Our approach is based on David Hoffmeister’s teaching of the practical application of A Course in Miracles, focusing on the Guidance of the Spirit within. This single-pointed approach is one where absolutely everything in daily life is used for one Purpose; to come to the experience of forgiveness and true freedom.  mysticism and a course in miracles
The spiritual awakening is happening and we’re not personally making it happen. That’s the Spirit’s job—ours is to get out of the way! We are opening up to the truth and the awareness of love’s presence—it’s inevitable. Go with the flow and we’ll ride the wave together!
David Hoffmeister

Thursday, October 26, 2017

3D panely

Výber plotov je obrovský, a hoci štúdiom kníh a hľadaním na internete získate istú predstavu o tom, aké typy by vyhovovali práve pre váš pozemok z hľadiska funkcie, rozhodnutie je vždy boj medzi osobným vkusom a tým, koľko vám dovolí váš rozpočet a miestne úrady.

V architektúre majú ploty dve základné funkcie. Prvou funkciou je, že oplotenie slúžia ako fyzická prekážka, ktorá vás nepustí do alebo z vymedzeného priestoru. Druhou, nemenej podstatnou funkciou, ktorú poskytuje priemyselné oplotenie je zamedzenie výhľadu.3D fence

Väčšina plotov na hraniciach pozemku tvorí fyzickú prekážku, to však neznamená, že bude nevyhnute aj zahaľovať areál.

Optické ploty, teda také, ktoré prekážajú vo výhľade je možno vytvoriť vysadením hustých vždyzelených rastlín. Môžete okolo nich chodiť, ale nevidíte cez husté lístie, a čo je dôležitejšie, niekto nebude vidieť dnu.

Vkus alebo to, čo sa vám páči, je jedna vec, no jeho realizácia v záhrade je druhá vec. Ak si nie ste istý, vyberte sa na prieskum po okolí a poobzerajte sa po plotoch v iných záhradách a domoch.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Course in Miracles Makes Decision Making Easy

Enjoy the following excerpt from a transcribed talk given by A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.

I’m looking at all the flags of  the different religions and spiritualities in the back of the room. You might wonder, Which path is it I should take? It does seem to be a pretty significant decision, right? No! Jesus says in the introduction to A Course in Miracles, “This is a required course”. He’s really meaning forgiveness is required. It’s not meaning that you have to study A Course in Miracles or else. He’s just saying forgiveness is a required course. It is a self-study course, not a religion. You will have to forgive at some point or another.

He also says, “Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It only means that you can decide what you want to take at a given time”. Later on in the teacher’s manual, he even adds more to it. You can’t even decide the form. Well, that’s great! Now the curriculum is required, I have to forgive if I’m going to know my true self and know God and be happy. That’s required, and the form is not up for you to decide. Oh the ego is insulted by that one. It likes the idea that you pick the forms, but it’s all part of a prearranged plan, your destiny.

Basically it comes back to this: You can control the direction of your thinking. Your main thing is to align your thoughts with the Holy Spirit. Everything you think you’re deciding; that you think is a personal, unique, individual choice; your will as a human being. No, no, no. According to A Course in MIracles, none of it is true! And that means that once you start to get to these decisions like, ‘Do I stay or go in a relationship?  Do I move or stay here?  Do I stay at this job?  Do I go for treatment in the hospital?  Do I...’  All the things that seem like those big decisions. In the end, it’s not about big decisions and small decisions.  It’s about lining up the Holy Spirit and saying, “Holy Spirit, decide for God for me”.  You see how that will get you out of the conflict of a split mind? “Holy Spirit, decide for God for me. Today I will make no decisions by myself.”

These are the rules for decision. I want to be in total alignment. I want to feel that swirl of joy. You give me the guidance. I feel the joy, and then I follow. If I think that you are saying, ‘I don’t want to follow that guidance,’ then that sets up a conflict in the mind. The ego’s going, ‘No, no, no. Put the brakes on there. That’s too big of a decision. You could really be sorry if you make that decision.’ You can feel the struggle start. The guidance is given. There’s a swirl of joy, and then the ego comes in and tries to justify all reasons why not to make that decision.

To learn more about the teachings of A Course in Miracles and David Hoffmeister, please visit his website at
I’m looking at all the flags of  the different religions and spiritualities in the back of the room. You might wonder, Which path is it I should take? It does seem to be a pretty significant decision, right? No! Jesus says in the introduction to A Course in Miracles, “This is a required course”. He’s really meaning forgiveness is required. It’s not meaning that you have to study A Course in Miracles or else. He’s just saying forgiveness is a required course. It is a self-study course, not a religion. You will have to forgive at some point or another.

He also says, “Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It only means that you can decide what you want to take at a given time”. Later on in the teacher’s manual, he even adds more to it. You can’t even decide the form. Well, that’s great! Now the curriculum is required, I have to forgive if I’m going to know my true self and know God and be happy. That’s required, and the form is not up for you to decide. Oh the ego is insulted by that one. It likes the idea that you pick the forms, but it’s all part of a prearranged plan, your destiny.

Basically it comes back to this: You can control the direction of your thinking. Your main thing is to align your thoughts with the Holy Spirit. Everything you think you’re deciding; that you think is a personal, unique, individual choice; your will as a human being. No, no, no. According to A Course in MIracles, none of it is true! And that means that once you start to get to these decisions like, ‘Do I stay or go in a relationship?  Do I move or stay here?  Do I stay at this job?  Do I go for treatment in the hospital?  Do I...’  All the things that seem like those big decisions. In the end, it’s not about big decisions and small decisions.  It’s about lining up the Holy Spirit and saying, “Holy Spirit, decide for God for me”.  You see how that will get you out of the conflict of a split mind? “Holy Spirit, decide for God for me. Today I will make no decisions by myself.”

These are the rules for decision. I want to be in total alignment. I want to feel that swirl of joy. You give me the guidance. I feel the joy, and then I follow. If I think that you are saying, ‘I don’t want to follow that guidance,’ then that sets up a conflict in the mind. The ego’s going, ‘No, no, no. Put the brakes on there. That’s too big of a decision. You could really be sorry if you make that decision.’ You can feel the struggle start. The guidance is given. There’s a swirl of joy, and then the ego comes in and tries to justify all reasons why not to make that decision.

To learn more about the teachings of A Course in Miracles and David Hoffmeister, please visit his website at

Self Improvement and A Course in Miracles

The following is an excerpt from a transcribed talk by A Course in Miracles (ACIM) teacher David Hoffmeister. David is internationally renowned for his practical approach to ACIM principles, and his extensive library of A course in miracles offer a spiritual pathway that is both simple and fun!

People who buy products for self improvement are missing the point. A course in miracles, on the other hand, focus on spiritual improvement, improving the real Self. In the Horatio Alger stories, "Pull yourself up from your disadvantaged past and make something of yourself." It was no different than trying to improve your life, improve your circumstances, and all the work and all the energy that goes into striving to have a better life. All of it's for naught because still you are dreaming a dream and if you actually begin to grasp this, you will soon get over self-improvement. You will soon get over trying to make the world a better place and all the work; just think of the social services, end world hunger, what do you mean? Who invented world hunger? That's part of a dream. There's nuclear proliferation, the fight to save the whales, save the dolphins, all of the things that people try to do—eat better, go organic. What does it matter? It’s a dream. It is not going to help.

The only thing you can do with a nightmare is to forgive it. See it, without judgment. See it simultaneous instead of linear and wake up from it. And go back to your eternal nature, which is pure bliss. People say, That sounds boring! It's too boring. But it’s not boring. I am telling you, it is not boring. It is joyful. It is not boring at all.

It seems to be interpreted that way. We get words like, I am more peaceful than I was before. I will tell you. Nothing is a matter of more or less. Everything is absolute. You know, the old thing that used to come from Christianity, “It’s all or nothing. It's all or nothing.” I used to hate that. I'd say, Aw, come on. All or nothing? Black and white? Guess what? Who gets to eat crow? It really is, “All or nothing.” Learn more about this with ACIM products.

And truth is not a matter of degrees, little increments, and moments. The truth is true and only the truth is true and we start to see when you finally make it back to the Beyond all Idols section in the Course, way towards the back of the text, Jesus starts off the section, “What is an idol? Do you think you know?” He asks the question, and he answers, “An idol is for more of something. It does not matter more of what.” Even peace of mind. It does not matter more of what.

So the awakening is not in the script. The awakening is a change in the perspective on the script from linear to simultaneous. So that is what we are talking about.

A lot of times, people will ask, Well, what about Enlightened Beings? What about Jesus? That seemed to be in the script. There seemed to be a point where he started talking like he wasn't a human being anymore. “Before Abraham was, I am.” But remember, it’s the man. The man wasn't enlightened. The man is just a mask. Enlightenment isn't male or female. Enlightenment isn't masculine or feminine. Those are still dualistic concepts that are projected onto the screen and enlightenment itself has nothing to do with masculine or feminine or male or female. Use A course in miracles as a path to enlightenment.

To learn more about David Hoffmeister's teachings or explore his many A course in miracles, please visit

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017


David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. He is known for his practical application of the non-dual teachings necessary to experience the Unified Mind. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is Enlightening!Over the past 30 years, David has traveled to 44 countries across 6 continents to extend the message that Truth is available for everyone, now. David’s message speaks to all people, regardless of whether their background is religious, spiritual, or scientific. He is as comfortable delving into the metaphysics of the movie The Matrix, as he is in pointing to the underlying meaning of the scriptures in the Bible.
David Hoffmeister began his journey to spiritual Enlightenment in 1986 when he encountered A Course in Miracles and recognized it as the tool he had been seeking for a radical transformation of his mind and perceptions. In the early years, he studied the Course with passionate intensity, often reading it for eight or more hours a day. Among family members, friends, and teachers, David had always been known for questioning everything. Thus, he was delighted to find in the Course support and encouragement from the voice of Jesus for his careful examination of every idea, belief, concept, and assumption.
It wasn’t long before David began to hear Jesus speaking to him in his mind as a clear stream of thoughts. Jesus became David’s internal teacher, answering his every question and giving him practical guidance regarding the day-to-day management of his life—his work, finances, relationships, etc. Over time it became clear that this guidance could be relied upon for answers to his every practical need.
After two and a half years of studying ACIM alone, David began seeking the company of other ACIM students, attending as many as five groups a week. At these groups, he was startled to find that instead of just speaking to him, Jesus then began speaking through him! Due to the clarity and authority that could be felt, many students in these groups began referring their questions to David.
In 1991, David was guided to make a leap of faith and began traveling around the United States and Canada, sharing his clarity of understanding related to the Course. He followed Jesus’ instructions to “become as a child,” allowing himself to be totally dependent on the Holy Spirit for money, transportation, shelter, food as well as for the words to speak in any given encounter. He was guided to visit countless ACIM gatherings, churches, metaphysical and spiritual groups, as well as a host of persons who knew nothing of the Course. David found that in all encounters, it was his constant joy and peace that was the best teacher of all.
As he had instructed the apostles 2,000 years earlier, Jesus also told David, “Freely you have received; freely give.” Thus David has never charged for his time, teaching, or any of the many materials he gives away, but has been supported entirely by love offerings. Through countless miracles in which he was supported in ways that could never have been anticipated, David learned that he could perfectly trust the Holy Spirit to provide for him and be his constant guide in every situation. Everything that was ever needed to accomplish his purpose as a teacher of God was given without effort or strain.
In 1996, David was guided to purchase a small house in Cincinnati, Ohio, which he named the Peace House and where he welcomed those desiring to step back from the world to discover the Christ within. A community gradually began growing around him, and this community is known today as Living Miracles. With all the global travels that have taken David all around the world, Living Miracles centers have since sprung up in Utah, Spain, Mexico, and Australia. They have supported David in extending his non-compromising teachings through a vast internet ministry of audio and video forums, written publications, inspirational gatherings using music and movies for Awakening, live stream web events, and Enlightenment retreats at the Living Miracles Monastery.
For those who hope that Enlightenment in this lifetime is possible, David is pure inspiration. His gentle demeanor and articulate non-compromising expression touch all who listen. Open your heart, be guided through this website to his clear message of original innocence, and experience the inevitable Awakening to your true Christ-Self.
David’s own journey involved the study of many pathways, culminating in a deeply committed practical application of A Course in Miracles, of which he is a renowned teacher and international speaker. His teachings have been translated into 13 languages, and taken into the hearts and minds of millions through the intimate style of his books, audios, and videos. His number #1 best selling book Quantum Forgiveness: Physics Meet Jesus, catapults the mind into a true and transcendent experience of Peace, now. While his latest book The Mystical Teachings of Jesus offers searing clarity with Bible verses and A Course in Miracles quotes to illuminate the mind!
Centers devoted to his teachings have opened in the USA, Mexico, Europe, Australia and Canada. In 1999, he started the Foundation for the Awakening Mind, a US non-profit 501(C3) educational organization to share the teachings of the Awakening Mind pathway.

Awakening through A Course in Miracles

Awakening through A Course in Miracles

"NO ARTICLEACIM Living Miracles Links, Resources, and Products: Living Miracles ACIM Online Store
On our Living Miracles Store website you can order eBooks, books, booklets, music, CDs, DVDs, etc. containing the most profound A Course in Miracles and non-dual teachings on the planet. You'll also find a large collection of streamable and downloadable audio and video files available. Every publication that is currently available from David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles can be found on this site, many with translations in over ten languages. a course in miracles products
ACIM Portal
This portal site is rich with A Course in Miracles teachings, helpful links to video teachings, audio teachings, videos, writings, social media, music, websites, mind training programs, subscriptions, and much more. The profound resources offered here are designed to support your mind in the practical application of the Course. This site functions primarily as a portal to help you find the ACIM resources that you're looking for as quickly as possible!
A Course in Miracles Audio Teachings
Our comprehensive audio products offers access to a huge MP3 collection of David Hoffmeister’s gatherings, inspired by A Course in Miracles. Enjoy hundreds of hours of deeply profound teachings and practical examples that will take you from the mere study of ACIM into the actual experience of its teachings. These recordings can be a helpful tool on your path to awakening, especially if you have had difficulty understanding or applying the principles of ACIM.
Music: Living Miracles Studio ♪
Living Miracles Studio is a record label supporting inspirational ACIM music releases that reflect the practice of true forgiveness and the authentic living experience of God. Our music is a means to inspire Love through the practical application of Living Miracles' teachings, and offers an uplifting experience that points to clarity of mind. Please feel free to listen to or download Living Miracles Studio's releases."

Awakening through A Course in Miracles acim products

Awakening through A Course in Miracles acim products
Awakening through A CoAwakening through A Course in Miracles is essential reading for students of ACIM. Here David explains the metaphysics and leads you to an experience beyond the intellectual understanding of ACIM by practically applying the principles of the Course. If you have been looking for the “how?”, this book is the bridge! acim products

"A book that gives the real scoop on A Course in Miracles is a treasure for any serious student of its teachings. David Hoffmeister does just that in his book Awakening through A Course in Miracles. I learned from it and so will you."

- Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love
(372 pages)


I have some good Course in Miracles announcements for everyone. First, Candace and I were asked to be presenters at the next Course in Miracles conference in Chicago. This will be our third appearance as Presenters. We are very honored and excited to be asked back for the third time. The event won’t be happening until 2013, but tickets go on sale soon at a huge discount, so I will let you know when they’re available shortly. Should be only a few weeks from now.
Until then, I wanted to tell you about an upcoming regional ACIM event happening next summer. It will have a host of wonderful ACIM teachers, several of them good friends of ours. Below is a flyer for more information. Check it out! Just click the flyer to go to the website.


On October 17, 2017
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You cannot beat the laws of physics that warm air rises and this process causes thermal stratification, a natural process which causes warm air to rise to the ceiling or roof space and displaces the cooler air, pushing it downwards into the occupied area. With any conventional air heating system, air will rise to the roof level by natural convection in high building such as factories, warehouses and sports centres. This can result in high temperature gradients and consequently increased energy usage. The Carbon Trust  estimates that the use of destratification fans in industrial buildings with high ceilings can reduce the consumption by up to 20%.Flexiheat UK’s range of destratification fans reverse the natural convection process, re-circulating the warm air back to working levels and provide a permanent reduction in roof space temperature and uniform temperature distribution within the building , via thermal destratification

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On October 17, 2017
Frenzzup Login : We know that you have been looking for way to get money back from . Even You might have seen so many frenzzup latest news about Social Trade but at found all of them useless and just news to spread word about Frenzzup Scam.
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We think that you are aware of company founded by Ablaze Social Trade which used to offer plans to it's member in return company provide them link or source to click that help them making money online from home.

That's what they did and made people fall in trap of Frenzzup Social Trade.  Let's learn more and know when will you get money from

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ABOUT FRENZZUP is one of those company founded by Ablaze Info to provide offer of membership to give them opportunity of making money online. If you do not know anything about Ablaze then We tell you that It's same company who founded Social Trade and then when they started seeing fall.

SEO Content Machine

Unique content generator

One of the things that a lot of internet marketers need is a lot of articles that they have to write on their own or outsource to various writers.But as you can imagine, writing content requires a lot of time, not to mention it can be very hard if you don’t have the talent for it.Yet there are some ways to get unique content writing without having to pay a lot of money.

You just have to spend your time figuring out which are the best opportunities out there, and in the end, you can reach a good value. That’s where SCM comes into play.Seo content machine - rapid article generation

What is SEO Content Machine

You will sometimes see that the best way to create quality content that is SEO optimized is to use a dedicated article generating software, and that’s what SCM brings to the table. t its core, SCM is a content scraper that generates content based on what’s available on the web.

SEO content writing - article creating software - Seo content machine - seo content machine review owever, SEO Content Machine does a very good job at rewriting everything online to have it make sense. It’s a very good article creating software that helps you remove the effort from article writing.Instead of wasting your time trying to write meaningful articles on your own, SCM does that for you with great results.Another thing to note is that SCM allows you to write content for a specific region. If you want that, you will not have a problem writing English content for your region.That content will be localized, and it will sound very well.It is worth it to have dedicated local content from this tool, as it can help you eliminate the hassle as you acquire more and more leads in the end.(Lets try  SeoContentMachine)best article generator - article creating software - Seo content machine

Multilanguage support

Even if SCM doesn’t support all the languages in the world, it manages to offer you support for most of the Western languages.What this means is that aside from English, you can do Seo Article Writing in French, German and other languages like Spanish too.It shines because of that, and it goes to show that the experience is always among the very best that you can find out there.

What type of content can be created with SCM ?

It all comes down to you and what type of unique content writing you need. SEO Content Machine can be successfully used to create a whole lot of content types, and it’s up to you to figure out which are the best options. 

That being said, you can create website content just as nicely with SCM , and the value that you can obtain from it can be among the very best out there.

It will always be worth it to study the market and see what type of content they want. And then SCM can deliver the type of results that you expect without any issue.

Draft and post to WordPress

Maybe the best thing for a lot of people that want to use SCM is that this tool can help you post the content directly to WordPress.This cuts some of the work, and it manages to offer you a more comprehensive, unique user experience all the time.It’s a good idea to focus on getting some good titles. As long as you do that and have a specific keyword that will work for you, then that’s all you need.(How to find long tail keywords easy?)That being said,you can also draft this to WordPress so you can optimize it for other keywords or maybe make any changes you want.Free to pick which are the best options here, and once you do that, you will see that the overall results can be outstanding for you.You can easily schedule the drip feed, and as a result, SCM will be able to fill up your blog with some new content all the time.

That’s what makes this article generating software a very good tool for people that want fresh content on their blog without a lot of effort.Using custom content sourcesMaybe the best thing about SEO Content Machine is that it does allow you to use some custom content sources.This helps bring in front a distinct set of solutions, and the best thing is that you are always focused on getting the best possible experience and value this way.You can also use SCM in order to find and download hundreds of pages for your topic. Whether you want to use all of that or you want to access some of the custom pieces of content, that is up to you.But there are always great options to be had with this article creating software, and that’s what makes it the most distinct and interesting.Generating keyword targeted articles

Long Tail Pro platinum – The Perfect Way to find Long Tail Keywords Why do you want to do this?

The primary reason why you want to use SCM for Seo Article Writing is link building.Generating links fast and with great ease is certainly something that you want to do, and it will surely work to your advantage.It’s all about knowing the situation, studying everything and understanding the issues that can appear from getting content from others.SCM comes as a great alternative here, and it’s one of the most interesting experiences that you can find out there.Plus, you get complete support for a lot of popular programs like Ultimate Demon, Senuke TNG, and the GSA SER. These are going to help you create keyword targeted content and unique content writing that shines.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Non Dual Teachers David Hoffmeister

Since the early 1990s, students of A Course in Miracles have felt drawn to David Hoffmeister for his profound love and devotion to truth. Over the years, a community has organically grown around him consisting of those who wished to follow his example of pure devotion to God and selfless love. This community has come to be known as the Living Miracles community, and is now comprised of a thriving global internet ministry with physical centers in Utah, Mexico, and Spain, including the first A Course in Miracles-based Monastery in the world. non dual teachers david hoffmeister
Mystic David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. David is world-renowned for his practical application of A Course in Miracles. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual Awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is unsurpassed. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source.
Mystic David Hoffmeister’s #1 best-selling book, Quantum Forgiveness: Physics, Meet Jesus, catapults the mind into a true and transcendent experience of forgiveness, now!
The message David has been sharing for 31 years while traveling the world is based on the teachings of Jesus found in A Course in Miracles and the Bible. Today, his writings, recordings, and many online resources comprise a complete pathway to God.

The Teacher of Teachers

The Teacher of Teachers, the Holy Spirit, is the one true teacher of the Universal Curriculum. The Universal Curriculum is the mandatory forgiveness Course spoken of in A Course in Miracles. The Universal Curriculum is highly individualized, yet the goal remains the same and miracles are the means for each. The Holy Spirit is the Universal Guide, the Master Teacher and the Right-Mind. Miracles are possible only through Him. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
 A Course in Miracles is one path of the Universal Curriculum. To learn A Course in Miracles requires a genuine understanding of its theories. Yet theologies, concepts and ideas do not lead to revelation, they can only point the way. a course in miracles acim teacher


Travel with David Hoffmeister as he “unwinds the mind” and shares the Love of God through joyful audio recordings from around the world! From anywhere and everywhere—you’ll love these talks from David “on the road.” With a diverse range of audiences and topics, this audio website offers us the one Answer in many ways! You can stream the audio or download in MP3 format, all for free. Certain gatherings even include transcribed sections of David’s talks.
David HoffmeisterMystic David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. David is world renowned for his practical application of A Course in Miracles. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is unsurpassed. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source..a course in miracles free audio